Ways to Help


There are so many ways in which we welcome your help!


New Hope for Kids is funded though charitable donations by individuals, corporations, foundations and community service organizations throughout Central Florida. Click here to make a donation on our secure web server. You may also mail a check payable to New Hope for Kids and mail it to:
New Hope for Kids  544 Mayo Ave, Maitland, FL 32751

Another way to donate is to provide products or services to New Hope for Kids, such as printing, lawn care, house maintenance and repairs, etc. or from a list of our most frequently needed items. Click here to see our wish list.

For more information on other types of funding contact our Development Director Marla Sullivan at 407-331-3059 x12 or marla@newhopeforkids.org.

Become a volunteer:

Over 200 volunteers and 40 grief facilitators currently help New Hope for Kids fulfill our mission to help Central Florida’s children. We could not exist without our amazing family of volunteers who come from all walks of life. They donate valuable time, energy and talent in a myriad of ways that reflect their personal skills and gifts.

Our needs are greater than our supply of volunteers. We need your helping hands! Fill out a Volunteer Application here or email gloria@newhopeforkids.org for upcoming opportunities.

Make a wish come true:

Anyone can be a part of a New Hope for Kids wish through fund raising, donations or by sponsoring or hosting a wish. Click here for more information on our wish program or call Tezmon Oehlerat 407-331-3059 x14.

Sponsor a grieving child:

It costs approximately $1,000.00 for one child to participate in our grief program for one year. Many families who attend have more than one child in our program and are often in financial distress because of medical bills or loss of income. New Hope for Kids does not require any family to pay for services, although some make donations when they are able. You can help in the healing process by sponsoring a grieving child or family.

Become a Grief Facilitator:

The children who attend the Center for Grieving Children are guided along the path of healing by trained facilitators. You can be a part of this journey by volunteering as a trained grief facilitator and experience the fulfillment of helping children find ways to cope with their grief and move towards hope, healing and happiness. Call 407-331-3059 x15 to find out about our training schedule.

Refer a family:

Help New Hope for Kids spread the word! If you hear of a child who has experienced the death of someone close to them, or know of a child between the ages of 3 and 18 who might qualify for a wish, tell their parent or caregiver about New Hope for Kids. Let them know about our website, or share our phone numbers or brochure with them.