I am among the blessed; I had the best Mom in the world. That’s the way I’ve always seen her. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be just like Martha Marie; and as an adult, I realize how truly amazing she really was. When she died in 1988, I thought, “Mom, you weren’t here long enough. Your life was too short.” She was only 68. As I near that age, I know that was right on the spot! It takes a lifetime to learn to live well and another needed to live it. (Maybe that’s what Heaven is for.) I’m so thankful for the lessons I learned early in my life because of my Mom and Dad. These are the ones I value most:
- Respect authority—God, parents, teachers, law enforcement.
- Respect others—their feelings, property and time.
- Respect yourself—don’t sell out for popularity, trend or laziness.
- Laugh a lot! Not at the misfortune of others, but at your own mishaps. Sometimes we take life entirely too seriously.
- Keep a positive attitude—it’s 95% of how successfully we maneuver through life trials.
- Learn how to be a friend. Listen, correspond, call today. Be there with unconditional love.
- Always budget some “fun money.”
- Love people; not things.
- Learn to play—games, sports, crafts, hobbies—whatever you like. Make time to relax and enjoy being with others and yourself.
- Keep family ties. We cannot choose our family or extended family, but we can cherish and help one another.
- Soak in the richness of nature. It will refresh your soul!
- Be careful where you spend your time—it’s the stuff life is made of!