Food! We love it!

Especially during the holidays, we look forward to the delectable legacy of Grandmom’s homemade Pound Cake, Aunt Suzie’s mashed potatoes and Uncle Ron’s mouthwatering deep fried turkey! And if we can have it all as well as eat it, we are among the most fortunate. Not wanting to put a damper on the delight of chomping down on a crisp turkey wing, give some consideration for those among you who are not able to partake in a similar fashion. Be informed. Ask. Prepare ahead of time. Request parents to bring an alternative meal if necessary. Just be sure there’s an understanding prior to the meal. It may be less stressful for young children to eat ahead of the adults if they require feeding or supervision. That allows a more relaxing meal time for adults and children. Every situation is different, so the communication beforehand is vital.

Gift Giving

Fun Activities

Things I Learned from My Mom