New Hope for Kids Surveys

From time to time, we offer a chance for feedback from the community through designated surveys compiled by New Hope for Kids Staff. After the Sandy Hook School incident, we have compiled a brief survey for school personnel and would appreciate your time to share your feelings and experiences with us. The survey is ten brief questions to help us better serve those who work with children ages 3-18.

Over our 17+ years, we have heard from parents and teachers that their children/students who experience the death of a parent, guardian or sibling are more likely to face emotional challenges, are prone to anxiety or loneliness, often need more support in school, and lack a sufficient support network to deal with their grief. They also tend to have more difficulty concentrating in class, higher absentee rates and experience a decrease in the quality of their schoolwork and homework. We are here to help.

We have compiled a brief survey to learn more about your needs and this information will aid us in preparing our resources and upcoming training programs to be held in the future.

Click here to take survey