
Panera Bread Keeps on Giving!

Panera Bread Keeps on Giving!

Panera Bread presented a $25,000 check to New Hope for Kids during the 6th Annual “Art of the Vine” in April. Over the past 9 years, Panera Bread has given well over $250,000 of their resources, time and energy to New Hope for Kids. With thier considerable contributions, 32 Wishes have been granted and 40 families have received scholarships to attend the Grief Support Program. Their continued dedication to this charity has truly made it possible for this organization to fulfill its mission.
As we do not receive any United Way or government funding, it is only through the generosity of individuals and companies like Panera Bread that we are able to grow. Thank you, Panera Bread, for the outstanding impact you have on the New Hope for Kids families and the Central Florida community we serve.