UCF Cornerstone Teams

Win-win partnership between New Hope for Kids and the
University of Central Florida Cornerstone Program

Since fall 2003, UCF students from the Cornerstone Program have made a huge impact on New Hope for Kids children and families. In addition to raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for wishes and family events, they have also given of themselves. By hosting celebrations and events for children with life threatening illnesses and those who have lost a loved one, they’ve offered encouragement and healing and given what money cannot—a sense of renewed self-esteem and hope.

As they’ve canvassed Central Florida seeing donations, they have also been our most ardent marketers. In exchange for students’ service, New Hope for Kids offers them a unique opportunity to practice their newly acquired business skills. Organization, team building, problem solving, publicizing, budgeting and projecting are some of the skills necessary to successfully complete their project.

It is not surprising that New Hope for Kids enthusiastically welcomes each new semester’s teams. Our goal is to continue to provide quality services to children, families and partnering organizations in our community.

UCF Cornerstone Team Packets