Frequently Asked Questions

What is New Hope for Kids?

New Hope for Kids is a community resource for children and families coping with life threatening illness and/or a loss due to the death of a loved one. New Hope for Kids basic philosophy recognizes that illness and death are a part of life, and understands that receiving support during times of significant loss is essential for one to move toward hope, healing and renewal. There is no other organization in Central Florida qualified to provide the type of long term services these families need to become healthy and happy members of our community.

What is the New Hope for Kids “Building New Hope” Capital Campaign?

The Building New Hope Capital Campaign is a fundraising drive to help New Hope for Kids to purchase and renovate a new facility. A larger facility will allow us to increase the number of children we serve each year and provide space for additional services to children participating in our Center for Grieving Children and our Wishes for Kids Program.

How much will this cost?

The campaign will raise $2.5 million to purchase and re-configure the building that will serve as our new facility. It will house the Center for Grieving Children, the Wishes for Kids Program, and auxiliary program offices.

How is the Building New Hope Capital Campaign different from other fundraising activities at New Hope for Kids?

New Hope for Kids annual fundraising provides the funding for our ongoing family programs. The Building New Hope Capital Campaign is a one-time campaign for funding that will be restricted to purchasing a new building and making any changes in configuration necessary for our program activities.

Are gifts to the Building New Hope Capital Campaign tax deductible?

Yes. New Hope for Kids is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, qualifying for tax deductions to the fullest extent of the law. New Hope for Kids will send a receipt to all donors which can be used for tax purposes.

Can I make a gift of stock?

Yes. Donors may find it advantageous to give appreciated securities affording them the benefit of a tax deduction for the full value of the security without paying capital gains. Contact the Development Office at 407 331-3059, ext. 12 for more information.

Does New Hope for Kids accept matching gifts?

Yes. If your employer has a matching gift program, you may complete the company Matching Gift form and return it to New Hope for Kids along with your pledge.

Is there recognition for leadership giving?

Yes. There are recognition components and naming opportunities for donors at all giving levels. Donors will be included in the Annual Report, newsletters, website and through social media.

Why is New Hope for Kids seeking funding for a building project now?

Meeting the needs of the Central Florida community in our current space is an ever-increasing challenge. To state it simply, the number of children and families who need our services has grown beyond our ability to meet their needs. We do not have the necessary space to add new program services and activities that are vital to our evolving grief support program. This includes space for individual counseling services, professional training classes for school programs and veterans support.

Our current location is 4000 square feet and has only 12 parking spaces. This facility will have more than 13,000 square feet of usable space and 150 parking spaces, providing ample room for all program services and, activities.

When will the project be complete?

The purchase and renovations of this building are projected to be completed by December 2015.

How can I give?

To pledge your support for this campaign or for more information, please contact Marla Sullivan, Development Director, at 407 331-3059 ext.12 or at You can also visit our website to make a donation. Please designate “Capital Campaign” in the designated space of the form or on your check. Checks can be mailed to New Hope for Kids at 544 Mayo Ave., Maitland, FL 32751.